Black Cat

Black Cat (ブラックキャット Burakku Kyatto?) is a Japanese Shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Kentaro Yabuki. It was originally serialized in Japan in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump. It was later collected in twenty tankōbon volumes from January 11, 2001 to October 9, 2004. The series was adapted into a twenty-four episode anime series by Gonzo studio. It debated in Japan on the anime satellite television network Animax and the terrestrial Tokyo Broadcasting System network on October 6, 2005 with its final episode airing on March 30, 2006. The story centers on a man named Train Heartnet who withdrew from an elite group of assassins called the Chronos Numbers (時の番人 Toki no Bannin?) to becomes a bounty hunter dubbed sweeper.

Viz Media licensed the manga series for English-language publication in North America and as of May 2009, have released all 20 volumes of the series. Funimation Entertainment licensed the anime series for North American broadcast where it was broadcast on the Funimation Channel. The series later were released on six dvd compilations.


In the world of Black Cat, Chronos, an organization bent on world peace, rules one third of the world's economy through underground control of almost every kind of business. To maintain the balance of the world, Chronos is essential, and there is the need for people to protect Chronos. There are special elite assassins with Orichalcum-made weapons called the Chrono Numbers who work for Chronos. When the thirteenth Chrono Number Train Heartnet, also known as Black Cat, meets a Sweeper named Saya Minatsuki, she opens his eyes and helps him see that he has choices as whether to kill his victims or not. He leaves Chronos but Creed Diskenth resents the way that Saya changes the elite assassin's life, and murders her. Two years later, Train is a Sweeper and travelling with his partners Sven Vollfied and Eve as the story follows their adventures of catching bounties and protecting/relying on one another.

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