Kin'iro no Corda (金色のコルダ Kin'iro no Koruda ) is a role-playing game series targeted at female audience under the Neoromance series from Koei. The title is also sometimes written as La Corda D'Oro, Italian for The Golden String.
The story has been adapted into a manga by the game’s character designer, Yuki Kure. It is currently serializing in LaLa magazine. Currently, twelve volumes have been released in Japan.
The anime adaptation from the manga, titled Kin'iro no Corda: Primo Passo, was first broadcast byTV Tokyo from October 2006 to March 2007. The anime also premiered on Animax under the title,La Corda D'Oro: Primo Passo. It was aired across its respective networks worldwide, includingHong Kong and Taiwan, also translating and dubbing the series into English for its English language networks in Southeast Asia and South Asia, and other regions.
A 2-episode special titled Kin'iro no Corda Secondo Passo was announced, with broadcasterKids Station airing its first episode on March 26, 2009.
Kahoko Hino is a student at Seiso Academy, one with an ordinary life. One day, Lili - the mischievous musical fairy who had blessed the original founder of the school - finds Kahoko running late to class.
Delighted that she is able to see him, Lilli grants Kahoko a magical violin, and a place in the school's annual musical competition, which many students in the music department vie to partake in.
Kahoko refuses, only to be pressed on by the fairy, who constantly nags her until she finally gives way to his pleads. She reluctantly accepts the instrument. As she practices her pieces, Kahoko is amazed that she can play any piece on the violin as long as she knows the tune and plays it with her heart. 'La Corda D'Oro' literally translates to 'the rope of gold', but it is taken into consideration as 'the golden string'. Primo Passo means 'first step', while Secondo Passo means 'second step'.
The story is set in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. Seiso Academy is the school where Kahoko and most of the characters attend.
The academy itself is separated into two departments: General Education and Music. Those in the General Education department study as regular students. Meanwhile, those in the Music department choose an instrument as their course of study. Students of the General Education and Music departments do not share classes. They are separated into two blocks, one for each department.
It seems to be a very prestigious and elite school as there are music rooms for those who wish to practice after school hours. The rooms are complete with either grand or upright pianos. There is also an auditorium, which is where the concours were held throughout the series.
Students of the General Education department wear grey shirts and depending on their gender, they wear white pants or skirts. While, students of the Music Department wear cream blazers with grey pant or skirts.
For those of the Music department, boys wear kerchiefs while the girls wear ribbons. The students of the General Education department wear neckties and short scarves for males and females respectively.
To identify which year a student originates from, each year has been given a certain "color" on the kerchiefs, ribbons, neckties or short scarves. Those of the first year wear light indigo, those of the second year wear red and the third years wear dark green.
Main characters
Kahoko Hino
Hino Kahoko (日野香穂子 )Voiced by: Reiko Takagi (anime and drama CD only)
Kahoko is the main female protagonist of the series. She is a second year at Seiso Academy and is in the General Education department. She has a warm and friendly personality and is very honest and straightforward, as shown from the way she expresses herself through her violin. She remains oblivious throughout the story to the attention of the male surrounding her.
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