Gargoyles are a species of winged humanoid/reptilian creatures that are the main focus of the show. Several clans of them exist worldwide (although until recently, they were unaware of each others' existence) and each clan has distinct cultural and morphological characteristics. All gargoyle clans are alike in the regard that each has a particular item, area, or concept that they strive to protect. They are fierce warriors and are incredibly powerful and resilient; though, their appearance and ferocity (along with the fact that they are nocturnal creatures) often means that humans vilify them as demons and monsters. Most of the world's gargoyle clans do not peacefully co-exist with humans.
Gargoyles are particularly notable for entering a sort of stone hibernation during the day, during which they resemble gothic-style statues. During daylight, they can quickly heal from injury and illness, and are protected from most natural threats. However, this state makes them easy targets for destruction by their enemies and humans who hate them. The character Anton Sevarius even postulated that in this hibernation they absorb solar radiation that allows them to store energy; otherwise, he concluded that a gargoyle's strenuous activity would require an equivalent nutritional intake of three cows a day. Damage during stone sleep can be fatal to a gargoyle. If a gargoyle dies during its hibernation, its body will remain stone.
Gargoyles, despite having large wings, cannot fly, but glide on wind updrafts and on the wind. They have sharp claws that can dig into any kind of solid surface and they can use this to climb up vertical surfaces. They are also excellent swimmers, and age at half the rate of humans. While not inherently immortal, gargoyles can be extremely long-lived, as a result of their stone sleep in which their aging process is slowed or halted to an absolute still, until they wake again the following night. Even at old age (as evidenced in the episode Grief) they are not as completely frail and incapacitated as other creatures. Because they spend half their day asleep as stone, they age at half the rate as a human, but live twice as long.
There are also wingless gargoyle beasts (informally "gargbeasts"), such as Bronx of the Manhattan Clan, and Boudicca of the Avalon Clan that behave like dogs, but appear as gargoyles and have the same gargoyle attributes.
The Manhattan Clan
Main articles: Manhattan Clan and Goliath (Gargoyles)
The main characters throughout the series.
§ Goliath - Leader of the Manhattan clan; named for the Biblical giant by Prince Malcolm. Voiced by Keith David.
§ Hudson - Elder and former leader of the Wyvern Clan, now advisor; named for theriver. Voiced by Edward Asner.
§ Brooklyn - Young second-in-command with a somewhat sarcastic and impetuous attitude, with a knack for strategy; named for the New York borough, harbors bitter hatred againstDemona. Voiced by Jeff Bennett.
§ Broadway - Overweight and good-natured; named for the street; has a strong dislike of guns and a great appreciation for old movies. Voiced by Bill Fagerbakke.
§ Lexington - Smallest and a technical wizard; named for the avenue, harbored bitter hatred against The Pack but has attempted to reconcile with Fox after moving back to the castle. Voiced byThom Adcox.
§ Bronx - Dog-like gargoyle beast; named for the New York borough. Voiced byFrank Welker.
§ Angela - Daughter of Goliath and Demona, she was raised on Avalon and joined the Manhattan clan in the middle of the second season; named for herangelic nature. Voiced byBrigitte Bako.
Main article: Demona
Goliath's former mate and Angela's biological mother; not frozen in stone like the others, she lived through the thousand years because of a magical pact with Macbeth and developed a hatred of all humans, making her an enemy to the clan; named by Macbeth for her demonic fighting skills. She was voiced by Marina Sirtis.
Avalon Clan
Main article: Avalon Clan
The Avalon Clan are the gargoyle eggs of Castle Wyvern that were protected by Princess Katharine, Tom, and the Magus, and taken to the mystical Avalon, where they hatched and grew to adulthood. Members include Gabriel (presumed son of Coldstone and Coldfire), Ophelia, the gargoyle beast Boudicca, and other unnamed members.
London Clan
Main article: Gargoyle clan
An English clan appearing like creatures of heraldry, they run a magic shop in London to supplement their income and until recently had abandoned their mission of protection. Their names were derived from the creatures they were based on: Leo (lion), Una (unicorn), and Griff (griffin). Two more members, Staghart and Constance (who respectvely, resemble a Stag and a Sow) briefly appear at the end ofGargoyles #7 with a more extensive introduction with most of the rest of the clan in the next issue.
Clan Ishimura
Main article: Gargoyle clan
A gargoyle clan in Japan and the only clan thus far that has lived in harmony with humans, teaching them bushido since feudal times. It includes Kai, the leader, Sora, Yama, and several unnamed members.
Guatemala Clan
Main article: Gargoyle clan
Protectors of the rainforest inGuatemala, the four surviving gargoyles there wear special talismans that let them avoid their stone sleep linked to a special artifact called the Sun Amulet. They have the Spanishnames for precious gemstones--Zafiro (sapphire), Jade (pronounced Ha-day, as it would be pronounced inSpanish), Turquesa (turquoise), and Obsidiana (obsidian).
Labyrinth Clan
The Labyrinth Clan live underground, as well as protecting the homeless individuals who also live underground.
The Mutates
The Mutates were created when Sevarius combined animal genes with humans in an attempt to create gargoyle-like creatures for Xanatos; they rebelled against Xanatos and now protect the homeless in the underground facility known as the Labyrinth and also take care of the clones. All the mutates resemble humanoid cats with bat-like wings on their backs, and have the ability to store and discharge electricity, due to having electric eel DNA (to give them enough strength to glide).
§ Talon - Formerly Derek Maza, Elisa's brother, he became the leader of the mutate 'clan.' Resembles a black panther hybrid.
§ Claw - A strong-but-silent mutate. The transformation process rendered him mute, brought on by either physical damage or psychological trauma (it is never specified). Resembles a tiger hybrid.
§ Maggie Reed - An innocent homeless runaway tricked by Sevarius, she was the most desperate to find a cure for her condition. Brooklyn had a crush on her for a time, but she fell in love with Talon/Derek. Maggie was listed in the show's credits as Maggie the Catan allusion to the female lead in the playCat on a Hot Tin Roof byTennessee Williams--voiced by Kath Soucie. Resembles a lion hybrid.
The Clones
They differ from the originals by their colors and some features like horns or teeth. For physical advantage, Malibu, Brentwood,Hollywood andBurbank were aged to be in their 20s (biologically): older than the young trio, yet younger than Hudson. Their intellects were originally deliberately stunted to make them compliant to Thailog, but with Thailog's supposed death they regained freedom. Talon offered to take the clones with him in the Labyrinth to educate them. The clones' names are places inLos Angeles, contrasting with and spoofing the counterpart protagonists' New York City placenames. Issue 3-5 of the comic has Thailog persuading the clan to rejoin him as they still did not develop free will at the time. After a battle with Goliath and his clan, most of them decide to return to the Labyrinth at the insistence of Delilah. Only Brentwood decides to remain with Thailog.
§ Malibu - Clone of Brooklyn. Issue 5 hints to a possible relationship between Malibu and Delilah (much to the disappointment of Brooklyn).
§ Brentwood - Clone of Lexington. Unlike the other clones, he decides to remain with Thailog, viewing him to be smart. He was the only clone, however, to stay out of the fight between the clans. Is intended to parallel with the evil Lexington fromFuture Tense (Lex comments on his decision, saying "You're really making me look bad.")
§ Hollywood - Clone of Broadway.
§ Burbank - Clone of Hudson. Much like Hudson, Burbank caries a mace similar to Hudson's sword.
§ Delilah - She is a bit different. She is a hybrid of Demona and Elisa's DNA, programmed to be a servile concubine for Thailog, in replacement of Demona--voiced by Salli Richardson. Issue 3 has Goliath requesting Delilah's company for a Halloween dance (as Elisa had broken up with him). In issue 4, she is given the choice to remain with Thailog or go back to The Labyrinth. Issue 5 sees her urging the other clones to return to The Labyrinth.
§ In the unmade spinoff,Gargoyles 2198, Delilah's descendant of the same name would be a main character. She's close friends with Samson (Resembles Goliath and is the grandson of Broadway and Angela).
A clone of Goliath created by Sevarius and Xanatos and given many of Xanatos's traits. This proved a mistake as he betrayed them both; he is a genius and a persistent enemy. His name is Goliath's played backwards. He later teams up with Demona and commissions Sevarius to create a clan of clones who he eventually betrays. He was voiced by Keith David. He eventually "dies" (or at least lapses into a permanent stone sleep) in the third season of the cartoon series, but lives on in the SLG Comic Book.
In addition to the gargoyles, human characters figure prominently in the series, both as allies and enemies of the gargoyles.
Elisa Maza
Main article: Elisa Maza
NYPD detective, friend of the Gargoyles and later love interest for Goliath. Voiced bySalli Richardson. Her family also figures prominently in the series:
§ Peter Maza - Elisa's father.Native American by ethnicity. Was also an NYPD officer. He never argues with Elisa once she sets her mind on something. Voiced by Michael Horse.
§ Diane Maza - Elisa's mother. Nigerian by ethnicity. She went to a Nigerian village to get in touch with her roots as agriot. Voiced byNichelle Nichols.
§ Derek Maza - Elisa's brother and also a cop and a pilot. Was later transformed into the mutate, Talon, by Xanatos. Voiced by Rocky Carroll.
§ Beth Maza - Elisa's sister, a student of the fictional University of Flagstaff. Voiced by Monica Allison.
Main article: Macbeth (Gargoyles)
Former King of Scotland and loosely based on theShakespearean character as well as the real historical figure. He is eternally bound to Demona and is forced to live in conflict with her forever; neither one can die until one kills the other. Initially an enemy of the gargoyles, he later becomes their ally. He was voiced byJohn Rhys-Davies
Matt Bluestone
Elisa's partner in the NYPD and former FBI agent. He was assigned to be Elisa's partner after the shooting incident inDeadly Force, after which Elisa's chief thought it was too dangerous for Elisa to be working on her own and assigned her a partner so that she would have someone covering her, despite Elisa's adamant protests that she did not need a partner. He is a big believer in conspiracy theories, especially theIlluminati. He is later given the option to join the Illuminati (ranking in 36, the lowest number in the group) by his former partner. He is one of the few humans who are friends with the Manhattan Clan. He was voiced by Thomas F. Wilson.
The Pack
Main article: Pack (Gargoyles)
Mercenaries (Wolf, Jackal, Hyena, Coyote, and formerly Fox and Dingo) organized by Xanatos first to be TV stars, then to hunt gargoyles; they were subsequently 'upgraded' into more deadly forms through the use of genetic and cybernetic enhancements. Unlike the others, Coyote is a robot constructed in Xanatos' image and sent to infiltrate and lead the Pack. Lexington harbors a bitter hatred against them.
Born with the name Janine, but legally changed her name to Fox, she is the daughter of Halcyon Renard and Titania the Fairy Queen, in her human guise of a woman named Anastasia. A former mercenary and former leader of The Pack, she quit the group and married David Xanatos. They later had a son, Alexander Fox Xanatos. She was voiced by Laura San Giacomo, but is uncredited.
Princess Katharine
Main article: Avalon Clan
The leader of Castle Wyvern (and, by default, the Scottish clan of gargoyles) during the 990s, she was at first prejudicial toward the clan, but after they saved her life, she later vowed to protect the clans' unhatched eggs and raised them on Avalon. She was voiced byKath Soucie.
The Magus
The court magician of Castle Wyvern and Katharine's top advisor, it was the Magus who cast the spell that imprisoned Goliath's clan in stone, believing that the Viking Hakon had murdered the Princess and blaming the gargoyles for her death. However he later discovered that Princess Katharine had been rescued by Goliath; unable to restore the gargoyles (as Hakon had burned the page with his counterspell), he agreed to place Goliath under the same spell so that he might one day be reunited with his clan. The Magus guided Princess Katharine and the eggs to Avalon and harbored unrequited feelings for the princess for many years. He would later die, having used a great deal of energy to defeat the Weird Sisters. He was voiced by Jeff Bennett.
Tom the Guardian
A peasant boy at Castle Wyvern who was eager to make friends with the gargoyles (especially Lexington & Brooklyn) despite his mother's objections. He also accompanied Princess Katharine and the gargoyle eggs to Avalon, where he took on the role of Guardian, protecting the eggs and training the young gargoyles when they hatched. The grown Tom became Katharine's lover and confidant.
The Archmage
An evil sorcerer and an enemy of the gargoyle clan at Castle Wyvern. He was defeated by Goliath, but returned with the help of the Weird Sisters, gained vast magical powers, and attempted to take over Avalon. He was voiced byDavid Warner.
Arthur Pendragon
The legendary Once and Future King of Britain and based on the legend of King Arthur. He was awakened by Elisa to help fight the Archmage on Avalon. Though he had neither Merlin, his knights or Excalibur, he fought Macbeth and won. He then afterwards, decided to explore the modern world, but on his own just so not draw attention to himself. Arriving in England, he is later joined by the English gargoyle Griff, and battles Macbeth with the help of the Manhattan Clan to reclaim Excalibur. After defeating Macbeth and reclaiming Excalibur, he sets off on a journey to find Merlin, along with Griff.
The Hunters
Main article: Hunter (Gargoyles)
Descendants of King Duncan I, they are fighters that have sworn to hunt down Demonaand destroy all gargoyles under the Hunter Mask. However, the current generation of Hunters, Jason and Robyn Canmore, eventually come to realize that gargoyles are not the threat to humanity that Demona is and drop the Hunter cause. Their brother Jon, initially apprehensive, develops a deep hatred for the gargoyles, drops the Hunter persona, changes his name to John Castaway, and leads an anti-gargoyle,KKK-esque group called the Quarrymen. Jason is currently recovering in the hospital, while Robyn was recruited into The Redemption Squad. The three modern Hunters are Jason (voiced by Diedrich Bader), Jon (voiced by Scott Cleverdon), and Robyn Canmore (voiced bySheena Easton).
Tony Dracon
Organized crime figure in New York, he knows about the Manhattan Clan that often foil his plans and has a score to settle with Elisa. He often clashes with Goliath and Broadway. He was voiced byRichard Grieco.
Leader of the Vikings who sacked Castle Wyvern in 994 and destroyed most of the gargoyles. He was killed along with the Captain of the Guard when they fell off a cliff, but their spirits remained trapped in the area as punishment for their actions. When Goliath returned to the Wyvern site a thousand years later, the Captain along with Hakon in spirit form attempted to steal Goliath'slifeforce thereby freeing themselves from the area. Hakon's spirit would reappear throughout the series to try to take revenge on Goliath. He was voiced by Clancy Brown.
Captain of the Guard
The Captain of the Guard was the head of the garrison of Castle Wyvern in 994. Resentful of the lack of appreciation that he and the gargoyles received for defending the castle, he struck a deal with Demona and the Vikings to have the castlesacked, forcing out the humans and leaving only him and the gargoyles. The plan included out-and-out sabotage, such as severing bowstrings, but backfired when the Viking leader Hakon shattered most of the gargoyles during the day after the siege, prompting Goliath and the survivors (Hudson, Brooklyn, Broadway, Lexington and Bronx) to go after the Vikings for revenge. He was killed along with Hakon in 994 when they fell off a cliff, but their spirits remained trapped in the area as punishment for their actions. When Goliath returned to the Wyvern site a thousand years later, the Captain along with Hakon in spirit form attempted to steal Goliath's lifeforcethereby freeing themselves from the area. He stopped midway after realizing his guilt for his treachery, and instead turned on Hakon. Having atoned for his sins, his spirit was set free to rest in peace. Voiced by Ed Gilbert.
Margot Yale and Brendan Quarters
A yuppie couple who have the misfortune of running into the gargoyles often. Margot became the assistant DA of one of the New York City Boroughs and spoke out against the gargoyles after their existence in Manhattan was exposed in a heated televised public debate with Macbeth, who defended them. She is voiced by Marina Sirtis and byTress MacNeille in Season 3.
Vinnie Grigori
Another man who has had various encounters with the Manhattan clan, whom he blames for an unfortunate string of bad luck. He is seen first as amotorcycle rider whose bike is 'stolen' by Lex, and crashed (he would have his license revoked, as his recollection of Lex would lead the judge to believe he was intoxicated), then as a security guard for Cyberbiotics' airship the night Goliath and Demona destroyed it, and then again at Sevarius's labs when Goliath captures Sevarius to force a cure for the Mutates (for which he was fired). He later shows up, carrying a huge bazooka, which he uses to finally get revenge on Goliath (stalking him as he and Hudson battled Wolf and the spirit of Hakon)... shooting him in the face with a banana cream pie. His last appearance was as a reluctant recruit of the Quarrymen under pressure from Castaway, where he worked to save Goliath and Elisa from being killed. He then left to take a job in Japan... where a run-in with the Ishimura Clan is all but inevitable. Vinnie's name and voice is a spoof of the character Vinnie Barbarino from the showWelcome Back, Kotter, and even refers to the Bazooka he used on Goliath as Mr. Carter. The cream pie that it shoots is a tribute to another Disney show,Bonkers, that Greg Weismanonce worked on[1]. He was voiced by Jeff Bennett.
Minor Human Characters
§ Prince Malcolm - Katharine's father, the previous lord of Wyvern Castle, Hudson's good friend, and brother to King Kenneth. He formed the co-existence alliance with the gargoyles who had been there centuries before and built Castle Wyvern. His life was saved from an attack by the Archmage from Goliath, Demona, and Hudson. He also inadvertently inspired hatred of gargoyles at Wyvern, particularly to Princess Katharine who grew up with such feelings. He was apparently deceased by the time of the Viking attack in 994.
§ Finella - A Scottish princess from 995, Finella was conned into helping Constatine set a deadly trap for King Kenneth upon Constatine's promise to marry her. Less than pleased at his betrayal and engagement to another, she helped Princess Katharine and the Magus get the eggs to Avalon and escape away from the evil Constantinewho wanted to marry Katherine and destroy the eggs. She did not follow Katharine and company onto Avalon and instead chose to guard the Grimorum Arcanorum with help from Tom's mother Mary. She was loosely based on the real historical character Finnguala, and was voiced by Sheena Easton.
§ Mary - Tom the Guardian's mother. Like Katharine, she was fiercely anti-gargoyle, but had a change of heart as she too vowed to protect the eggs. Along with Finnella, she did not go to Avalon and instead chose to stay on Earth and guard the Grimorum Arcanorum, stating that, "a woman alone might run into trouble: two women can cause plenty of it".
§ Hinting to their roles in the yet to be madeGargoyles spin-off,Timedancer, Mary and Finella appear at a Halloween party atop the Eyrie Building at the beginning of Gargoyles#5.
§ Duncan - Ancient king of Scotland, Macbeth's foe, and the second to wear the Hunter mask. He secretly ordered the death of Macbeth's father and destroyed the few remaining gargoyles in Scotland. It was because of Duncan that the spell between Macbeth and Demona was forged via the Weird Sisters. He was defeated by Macbeth.
§ Gillecomgain - Started theHunter line and was the first Hunter as part of his revenge on Demona who had horribly disfigured his face as a child. As an assassin under Duncan, he started a spree of terror and violence that included assassinating Macbeth's father, Findláech of Moray, and nearly wiping out all of the gargoyles in Scotland. After betraying Duncan, he was defeated by both Macbeth and Demona.
§ Gruoch - Macbeth's beloved in ancient Scotland, Gruoch is pressured into marriage to Gillecomgain by her father Boite. When Gillecomgain is revealed as the Hunter and slain, she happily marries her love and becomes Lady Macbeth, Queen of Scotland. They are later severed when Macbeth "dies" and begins his centuries-long struggle with Demona.
§ Lulach - Son of Gruoch and (historically) stepson of Macbeth (though this is not made explicit on the series). Ascends to the throne of Scotland after his father's "death." His ultimate fate is not shown but it is implied that he is slain by Duncan's son, Canmore, in a later battle.
§ Boite - Father of Gruoch and friend to Macbeth's father Findláech. Serves as an advisor to his son-in-law, Macbeth, throughout his life. Boite's counsel to destroy the remaining gargoyles (a plan which Macbeth rejects) ultimately leads to Demona and Macbeth's falling out.
§ Canmore - Son of Duncan, he is only a boy when his father is slain in battle by Macbeth. Canmore is banished to England but returns to Scotland as a grown man for revenge. Like his father before him, Canmore takes up the mask of the Hunter and declares war upon the gargoyles. He "slays" Macbeth in single combat, unaware of his immortality, and is implied to have later killed Macbeth's son Lulach. Canmore's descendants each become the Hunter in turn, hunting Demona through the centuries.
§ Cuchulainn - The legendary demi-god hero of Ireland, Cuchulainn appears on the series reincarnated as an Irish teenager encountered by Goliath and his allies. He reverts to his heroic form when a friend reveals herself to be his old enemy, the Banshee, in disguise. For a time, Cuchulainn mistakes Bronx for the legendary Hound of Ulster.
§ Natsilane - A Native American youth of the Pacific Northwest, Nick (born Natsilane, presumably named for or descended from the legendary hero) initially rejects his heritage for the realities of the modern world. He later encounters Goliath, Angela, and Bronx and comes to accept the existence of the supernatural. He takes up the cause of his tribe and does battle with the trickster spirit, Raven.
§ Banquo and Fleance - Two mercenaries, a man and a woman respectively, who worked for Macbeth. At the end of the show canon, they left his services to work for the Quarrymen. Banquo and Fleance are named, fittingly enough, after characters in the Shakespeare play, The Tragedy of Macbeth.
§ The Emir - Mentioned by name in two episodes, but not seen in person until the episode Grief, the Emir was an Egyptian dignitary hired by Xanatos to captureAnubis, the child of Oberon at another attempt at immortality. However, the Emir really planned on using Anubis to resurrect his dead son that he felt was unfairly taken away from him in a "pointless car accident". After becoming one with Anubis, as the avatar of death, he understood the concept of death, and abandoned his attempts at bringing back his son. He reversed everything that the previous avatar, Jackal, did and sacrificed himself to free Anubis. He was voiced by Tony Shalhoub.
§ Travis Marshall - WVRN t.v. anchor reporter.
§ Jeffrey Robbins - Blind author, friend of Hudson. Taught Hudson how to read and is visited by Hudson inGargoyles #4. In issue 5, he admits to being aware of Hudson being a Gargoyle (This scene was based on a similar one from a Goliath Chronicles episode). He helped Hudson recover his eyesight in season 3. Voiced by Paul Winfield.
§ Maria Chavez - Captain of the 23rd precinct and Elisa Maza's superior. Voiced byRachel Ticotin.
§ Glasses and Pal Joey - Associates of Tony Dracon.
§ Tomas Brod - A Czech gangster whom Preston Vogel hires to steal theGolem for Renard. After causing Goliath and Eliza problems in Prague, he moves to New York to take on Tony Dracon. Voiced byClancy Brown.
The Third Race
Main article: Oberon's children
The Third Race, known as Oberon's Children, are magical, shapeshifting, and often fickle creatures and fairies from around the world. They are not all literally descended from Oberon, but he is the leader and he governs all the Third Race strictly. They possess incredible powers, are immortal, and have a fatal weakness to iron. Regardless, as long as they're in the real world, Oberon forbids them to interfere in human events.
Oberon is the lord of Avalon. He possesses godlike powers and is the most powerful being in the whole series. Very arrogant and impudent, it was by his edict that Avalon was abandoned and the Third Race forced to live with humanity. Oberon later left Avalon himself to join them. He is also responsible for The Gatheringwhich is the return of himself and the Third Race to Avalon. He was voiced by Terrence Mann.
Titania is the recently re-married wife to Oberon and Queen of Avalon. Posing as the human Anastasia during part of her 1000 year exile, she is the ex-wife of Halcyon Renard and Fox's biological mother. A highly-skilled manipulator, she aids the Manhattan Clan andAvalon Clan on several occasions while frequently keeping Oberon in check. She was voiced by Kate Mulgrew.
The Weird Sisters
The Weird Sisters: Phoebe, Selene, and Luna are a trio of powerful magic users named after the goddesses of theMoon and based on the characters from Shakespeare'sMacbeth. They frequently appear as enemies (and sometimes temporary allies) of the gargoyles. All three were voiced by Kath Soucie.
Puck is a trickster fairy that is one of the most important characters of the series. His magic is the reason whyDemona becomes human during the day instead of turning to stone. It was eventually discovered that he was Owen Burnett, having made a deal with Xanatos to serve him faithfully. Because of such a deal and his affinity for humans, he is banished from Avalon and had his powers erased by Oberon. Since the Gathering, Puck can only use his powers when he is teaching or protecting Alexander Xanatos. He was voiced byBrent Spiner.
Minor Children of Oberon
The "children" of Oberon arefairies, gods, and other various creatures from cultures and mythologies worldwide that lived on Avalon until they were all expelled by Oberon. They were forcibly called back there by him one thousand years later in an event known as The Gathering:
§ Anansi - A spider trickster of African myth. Voiced byLeVar Burton
§ Anubis - Lord and avatar of death. Voiced by Tony Jay
§ Banshee - An Irish fairy with a powerful wailing scream. - Voiced by Sheena Easton
§ Coyote - A Native American trickster spirit.
§ Grandmother - An elderly wisewoman of great power.
§ The Lady of the Lake - Patron of King Arthur and keeper of Excalibur during his time of absence (though several Ladies appear in Arthurian myth, it is unclear which, if any, the Gargoylescharacter is intended to be).
§ Odin - All-Father of Norse mythology. Voiced by W. Morgan Sheppard.
§ Raven - A trickster spirit who poses as a gargoyle to toy with Goliath and his allies.
Other characters
Steel Clan
The Steel Clan are a series of robots built by Xanatos, modeled from the likeness of the gargoyles, specifically Goliath. Originally meant to replace the gargoyles, Xanatos uses them for his own personal army. He also wears a battle suit modeled after their likeness.
Main article: Coldstone (Gargoyles)
Coldstone is the spirit of a deceased gargoyle from the Wyvern clan resurrected through science and sorcery into a cyborg body. He was formed from the remains of three different gargoyles (usually called Coldstone or "Othello", his mate Coldfire or "Desdemona", and his rivalColdsteel or "Iago"), and each personality remains mostly intact. Eventually they are each transferred to separate robotic bodies. Voices by:Michael Dorn(Coldstone/Othello), CCH Pounder (Coldfire/Desdemona),Xander Berkeley(Coldsteel/Iago).
New Olympians
The New Olympians are a group of fantastical sentient beings resembling creatures and gods from Greek Mythology. They had traveled to the island of New Olympus after being driven there by fearful humans in Classical Antiquity, and their descendants were able to remain hidden through advanced cloaking technology. Several of them share names with characters from mythology, although they are not intended to be identified with such characters, unlike somechildren of Oberon. According to Greg Weisman, they are descended from Oberon's children, though the show makes no mention of this, and there is also a resident gargoyle clan on the island.
They are currently led by a winged man named Boreas(voiced by Dorian Harewood), and their Chief of Security is aMinotaur named Taurus (voiced by Michael Dorn). A robot named Talos (an upgraded version of the Talos first constructed by Daedalus and also voiced by Dorian Harewood) is a high-level advisor. A villainous shapeshifter from there calledProteus (voiced by Roddy McDowall) seems to be the island's worst criminal. Other named members of the race include Helios (voiced by Rob Paulsen), Ekidna (voiced byCharity James) and Kiron(voiced by Frank Welker). Note that, in the last two instances, use of the letter "k" in the spelling was intended by the show's creators in order to differentiate the characters from their mythological namesakes).
The New Olympians appeared during the World Tour story arc, in the episode The New Olympians, in which Elisa Mazaarrived on the island along with three gargoyle companions. Because of their past experiences with the human race (Taurus at one point specifically mentions the murder of his ancestor byTheseus), they harbored a strong hatred against Elisa and humans in general - this is in stark contrast to the show's usual premise, in which many humans are prejudiced against creatures such as gargoyles. Nevertheless, after an encounter with Proteus, Elisa managed to convince some New Olympians (particularly Taurus) that not all humans are evil.
§ Proteus escapes in Episode 12 of The Goliath Chronicles Seeing Isn't Believing to New York to exact his revenge. Taurus leaves New Olympus to pursue him. This is not considered canon by Weisman.
§ A spinoff show, itself entitledThe New Olympians, was planned for which theGargoyles episode featuring the characters was a "backdoor pilot". A series pitch was produced, revealing that the new series' storyline would revolve around the New Olympians finally revealing themselves to humanity in front of the United Nations. The pitch, which is shown atGathering conventions, introduced several new characters, and hinted at aRomeo and Juliet-style romance between Sphinx (a New Olympian female) and Terry Chung (a human male). Although the series was never picked up, Greg Weisman has said that elements would have been included in the mainGargoyles series had it continued.[citation needed]
§ Terry Chung appears as a trick or treater inGargoyles #4. Which places the beginning ofNew Olympians at least a decade after the current issues (2006).
§ He appears with Tri Chung in #4 Gargoyles Bad Guys. Though the nature of their relation are unclear.
A sentinel and member of the N'Kai (interstellar aliens who oppose the Space-Spawn empire); he waits on Easter Island to protect the Earth. While there, he was revered as a god by the natives and theEaster Island Statues were modeled after him. He once captured Goliath and Angela, believing them to be Space-Spawn in disguise. He was voiced by Avery Brooks.
Tazmanian Tiger
Tazmanian Tiger is a super villain who robbed a bank inSydney. His actions caught the attention of Dingo and Matrix (both of whom were Australia's crimefighters). He wears a skin tight costume and mask. His gloves are made of a set of razor sharp claws that were able to damage Matrix. He is assisted by two Thylacines (Named Benjamin and Natasha). He first appeared in the first issue of Gargoyles: Bad Guys. Issue 3 of Gargoyles Bad Guys reveals that the Thylacines were clones made by Sevarius.
Organizations & Groups
The Illuminati
In the Gargoyles universe, The Illuminati is a secret society started by Sir Percival, theFisher King, that presently controls and manipulates a large portion of the world including politics and organized crime. Xanatos is a member of the Illuminati, which aided him in making his fortune (through a predestination paradox; Xanatos had instructed himself to travel through time). Bluestone is inducted into the society after gangster Mace Malone's failed attempt to capture Goliath. It was revealed that Matt's former partner in the FBI, Martin Hacker, is also a member of the Illuminati. Although the Society is currently headed by an unknown person, Sir Percival, now known as Mr. Duval (who survived into the 20th Century by means of the Holy Grail), is still prominate in the Society, being a member of the 2nd rank of the Illuminati
Each member is of a certain rank. When two members of the society encounter each other in private, the lower ranking member says his/her number with the higher ranking member saying theirs. [1]
Martin Hacker
Matt Bluestone's former partner in the FBI and an Illuminati operative. His job was to intentionally mislead Matt away from the Illuminati. When this failed, it was Martin who conferred membership on the behalf of the Illuminati onto Matt. He checks in on Matt Bluestone and John Castaway, as well as giving Xanatos an invitation to the White House from the Illuminati.
While meeting all three of them, he claims a different objective from The Illuminati:
§ Matt Bluestone - The Illuminati agrees that the people aren't ready to encounter gargoyles.
§ Xanatos - The Illuminati feels it is time for humans and gargoyles to meet.
§ John Castaway - The Illuminati agrees that the gargoyles should be destroyed. [2]
A teenage girl introduced in theGargoyles. She appears as a new resident of The Labyrinth, and is introduced to the Mutates and Clones. [2]After Thailog comes to reclaim the clones, Shari leaves to warn Goliath [1] , but is lying. Her name is revealed as she arrives at Nightstone Unlimited, applying to be Thailog's Executive Assistant. Before he attacks her, however, he spots an Illuminati pendent around her neck. [3] , and welcomes her as a member of the Illuminati, which he had recently joined as a lower echelon member.
Thailog soon demands a story from Shari, and so she tells him of a lost tale from The Avalon World Tour. How she learned of that adventure wasn't specified.[4] Shari has since gone on to relate the legend of the Stone of Destiny to Thailog and appears to be more than she seems. [5]
Quincy Hemings
He makes his first appearance in the SLG Comic and is a Chief Steward at the White House. [1] Xanatos meets him at The White House and mistakes him for Duval due to their rank number. He mentions being on staff since the administration of Theodore Roosevelt, and his current position since the Lyndon B. Johnson administration. He gives Xanatos an assignment from The Illuminati. [3] The nature of the assignment has yet to be revealed, though it apparently has to do with the Stone Of Destiny. [5]
Known Members and Ranking
The following characters are part of the Illuminati at the following ranks:
§ 2: Mr. Duval and Quincy Hemings
§ 9: Shari
§ 32: Martin Hacker
§ 36: David Xanatos, Matt Bluestone, John Castaway and Thailog
According to Quincy, the total amounts of each rank membership match (Example: There are 36 members ranking 36, 32 members who rank 32) for a total of 666 positions within the organization. The identity of the first member has yet to be revealed, though it's strongly hinted to involve the Stone of Destiny. [6]
Xanatos Enterprises
The world's largest corporation, of which Xanatos is founder & CEO, while Owen Burnett also wields some major control and influence, although he was not given a title. The company is seemingly at the forefront of advanced technology such as genetics, robotics, and weaponry. Xanatos Enterprises also includes Gen-U-Tech, Pack Media Studios, and the Scarab Robotics corporation, all of which he has used against the gargoyles and to further his goals one way or another.
David Xanatos
Main article: David Xanatos
Billionaire nemesis and later ally of the gargoyles; his name is reminiscent of David, the Biblical king who defeated Goliath, and Thanatos from Greek mythology. He broke the spell that imprisoned the gargoyles and has frequently attempted to manipulate or control them. He was voiced byJonathan Frakes
Owen Burnett
Aide to Xanatos; later revealed to be the immortal tricksterPuck. Puck took on an appearance similar to that of Preston Vogel, Halcyon Renard's personal aid. The Owen persona eventually gets his hand turned to stone (the result of a spell gone wrong) and no magic powers except when he is training or protecting Alexander Xanatos (per Oberon's decree). He was voiced by Jeff Bennett.
Anton Sevarius
A free agent geneticist who mostly works for the villains of the series, from David Xanatos to Demona. Known for his hammy play on the "mad scientist" stereotype, Sevarius is brilliant, but also devious and immoral. His experiments led to the creation of the Mutates and Goliath's evil clone Thailog (with whom he also worked for at one point), as well as Thailog's gargoyle clones. He also helped Demona create a virus capable of destroying all life on Earth. He was voiced by Tim Curry.[7]
Cyberbiotics Corp
Rival in all ways to Xanatos Enterprises with Halcyon Renard and Preston Vogel in a similar setup to Xanatos and Owen. Xanatos had attempted several times to bankrupt Cyberbiotics, even using Renard's estranged daughter Fox to do so. Cyberbiotics is based from a massiveairship(of which it manufactures smaller models). One of the airships was inadvertently destroyed by the Manhattan Clan.
Halcyon Renard
An elderly businessman, CEOof Cyberbiotics, father of Fox, ex-husband to Anastasia, and rival to David Xanatos. After confronting Goliath about his role in destroying his first airship, he formed a friendship with the gargoyle after the pair saved the second one. His name renard is the French word for fox. Like Xanatos, he briefly flirted with immortality by transferring his consciousness into a golem, until Goliath managed to change his mind. Unlike Xanatos, he is more conscientious of his actions considering his strong adherence to personal integrityand far less Machiavellian and malevolent. He was voiced byRobert Culp.
Preston Vogel
Aide to Renard. He is considered by Puck to be the most "wooden man on the earth." Puck modeled his mortal form after Vogel. Unlike Owen Burnett, he is not as loyal to his boss and has less scruples of the means he takes in order to get things done his way such as hiring members of The Pack, Jackal and Hyena, to level a rainforest and kill the gargoyles in one episode, or betraying Renard in another. Voiced byPeter Scolari.
Gargoyles Task Force
Formed during Part 3 ofHunter's Moon to find and counter/capture the gargoyles. They followed the gargoyles toSt. Damien's Cathedral. Due to Matt's hesitation and Xanato's arrival, they were unable to apprehend the clan.
Gargoyles #3 introduces readers to the GT Roster.
§ Agent Martin Hacker (F.B.I. Liaison)
§ Assistant District Attorney Margot Yale
§ Detective Matt Bluestone
§ Detective Elisa Maza
§ Detective Cedric Harris- Introduced in #3.
§ Detective Tri Chung- Introduced in #3.
§ Officer Morgan Morgan - NYPD beat officer in Elisa's precinct, and Elisa's friend. Voiced by Keith David. In #3, he asked Elisa out to the Halloween party atop The Eyrie Building. Though she refused at first, she accepts after temporarily breaking up with Goliath (due to wanting a normal life). Though she ends up choosing Goliath during #5. Morgan knowing of their relationship, suspected he was merely a rebound, but held no ill feelings towards Elisa.
§ Officer Phil Travanti- Morgan's partner. He first appeared in the episodeTemptation and was named in #3.
The Redemption Squad
The Redemption Squad is formed by a man known as The Director to deal with crime, as well as allowing for its members to make up for their past sins. Currently the group is on a mission, though the details are unknown. (Gargoyles: Bad Guys #1)
Robyn Canmore/The Hunter
While aiding her siblings in ridding Manhattan of gargoyles, she took up the alias Robyn Correy and was employed by Demona/Dominique Destine for Nightstone Unlimited. She deduced Demona's human identity and shot The Clocktower hoping to kill Goliath and Clan. Though she saw the light after Jason's atonement, Robyn is maintaining her identity as The Hunter while serving The Director. The nature of her recruitment has yet to be revealed.
A former member of The Pack. Dingo remained with the team after Fox's departure but (unlike Wolf, Jackal and Hyena) refused to undergo physical enhancements, instead adopting an Iron Man-esque battle suit. He grew increasingly disturbed by his teammates' transformation after their supposed 'upgrade,' feeling that they had abandoned their humanity and become 'a freak show'. He eventually left the team in disgust, returning to his native Australia and hoping to atone for his misdeeds. He later linked with an advanced AI program to become a crimefighter. He reluctantly joins The Squad, since it is the only way he'll be cleared of his criminal charges in the United States. Voiced by Jim Cummings.
The Matrix
The Matrix was a nanomachineprogram created by Fox and her mother Anastasia Reynard in a world domination bid by Xanatos. However, the machines became sentient and threatened to overtake the planet (a possible allusion to the so-called Grey Gooscenario in speculative science fiction). With the help of a localshaman, Goliath and Dingo convinced the nanomachines to form a humanoid shape that merged with Dingo's armor suit. Calling itself "The Matrix", they both pledged to protect and defend Australia. He is coerced into joining The Squad as the alternative is deactivation, though he chose to join as doing so would help to maintain law and order. Voiced by Jim Cummings
Series creator Greg Weisman had major plans for The Matrix to have grown strong enough to power the planet.
Former member of The Ishimura Clan. Yama briefly aided the businessman Taro in making the existence of his clan public (albeit for peaceful intentions). Though he fought against Taro after learning his true motive, Yama is banished from the clan to restore his honor. Sora wants to go with him, but is turned down as Yama feels that she would also share in his shame. He is shortly attacked by Dingo, Matrix and Robyn. After the fight, Robyn approaches Yama to recruit him into The Redemption Squad. She states that he'll have a chance for atonement, and that refusal to join means exposing his clan to the world. He joins begrudgingly (as he is not thrilled about working with someone who hunted gargoyles.
Fred Sykes (his name revealed in Gargoyles: Bad Guys #2) was a brazen mutate who was the only one of the group that approved of his changed body, he later tried to overthrow Talon and rule the Labyrinth. Fang would eventually team up with Demona and Thailog only to be apprehended again. He was later visited by Sevarius, who infiltrated the labyrinth to obtain some test subjects. Fang joins in to help turn a portion of Manhattan into mutates, but is thwarted by The Redemption Squad. He is nearly executed by Yama for making a joke at the expense of one of the test subject's choice to commit suicide. Just as Hunter finishes debriefing The Director, she is told that they are to recruit Fang (for reasons unspecified). He was voiced by James Belushi. Resembles a puma hybrid.
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